Understanding Discourse Trust Levels

Yeah, I just edited my post. As an Admin I should know better than to reply with a question before scrolling completely through a topic! My bad!


been there before :grin:


That’s one fifth and one fourth of the requirements, the 20 and the 30. So received likes need to be from 4 people across 5 days, while given likes need to be to 6 people over 8 days.


It was stated that:

TL3 spam flags cast on TL0 user posts immediately hide the post

It is so easy to get to TL1 that I think a good idea would be to change it to TL1 or below. There may be reasoning that I don’t see. I just know that as a Regular in some discourse servers, it is hard to deal with spam posts if there is not a moderator online.


The post is also hidden if multiple users flag it What happens when you flag a post. If a site has a problem with a lot of spam users at tl1 they could change how easy you reach tl1. Or they change how easy a post is hidden


13 posts were split to a new topic: Why could I not create a topic before posting?

How many is enough to hide it?

Judging by the discussion above its referring to the num users to silence new user site setting. In this case it takes 3 separate flags to hide the post if it exceeds the hide post sensitivity setting which is set to medium by default.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Automatically remove posts if they receive too many flags

It is now available in Discourse 3.2, Amazing!