The attached image shows several photos that have been resized to different widths. I understand why this is happening, the default max image width and max image height values are 690 and 500, so the images with the taller aspect ratio hit that max height value first. I tried changing the max height value so that it was also 690 but I still get the same result. What am I doing wrong?
How do you want the images to appear, ideally?
I use this
I’d like then to all be the same width, which seemingly should be easy to do with the available settings.
Here is some more info that might help to understand…
I don’t want to display a very tall image, in fact I want tall images to be resized to the value I specify in the admin, which by default is 500 but I am trying to change but it just doesn’t work. The images I am uploading have have rations at less than 1:1, but those that are closer to 1:1 than others are being resized to a different width because the max height is being reached first. Changing the max height setting to 690 should solve this, but there is no effect. I just want to understand either why the max height isn’t working, or what I am not understanding (ie max height is not the setting I should be changing).
seems to work as expected for me. On my forum, I changed my admin settings like this to test:
Then I uploaded your photos (well I made copies from your one photo). The cooked post showed the images all being the same width, even on my wide screen view:
If I change those admin settings back to default, then rebuild the html on that post, the images go to their regular size:
But like I said, I don’t want a max image height of 10,000. I want a max image height that matches the max image width so that any image with a horizontal aspect ratio has the same width in the post. If both max height and width are 690 (or any other value so long as it is the same), then the images should appear the same width on upload if they have a horizontal aspect ratio. Isnt that true? Can you try that case, where those two values match, and see if it works for you?
but the images are the different dimensions? I’m not understanding what you are trying to accomplish here?
not if if both the width and the height are less than the max value. I still don’t understand what the end case you are trying to achieve is? do you want images of different dimensions to have the same width even if they have the varying heights? or the other way around? Are all your photos of a certain type and size? I suggest just playing with the settings til you get it the way you want.