Understanding subcategories


Most of the Discourse installations I have seen (so far) feature as their homepage either:

  1. A list of the latest topics in all categories (e.g., Meta)
  2. The left side is the categories; the right side is the topics (e.g., https://twittercommunity.com)

However, Codecademy Discuss features
Categories on the left side, with topics for each category on the right side.
Moving into any given category shows this repeated, down one level. Subcategories on the left, topics for each category on the right side, with all discussion topics at the bottom.

Is the Codecademy layout a standard, built-in format for a Discourse installation? Or does this setup require a lot of custom work?


discuss.codeacademy.com uses the “Categories with featured topics” layout. You can switch to it by changing the desktop category page style site setting.


Thank you @david.

Could you help me understand where that setting is found in the admin dashboard?


Admin dashboard --> Settings

Then type “desktop category” into the filter box, and it should appear :slight_smile:


Awesome, thank you! That solved the problem.


Enabling this setting doesn’t seem to enable the same layout one level down. I.e., when I click into a category, I only see the latest topics, not subcategories with featured topics. Is this something I would have to customize myself?

Correct, the above setting applies only to the main categories page. You need to configure the layout for each category, check out the settings tab within a category edit modal:

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