Update Discourse shows commit hash instead of version number

I installed Discourse on my Ubuntu server by following these instructions: discourse/docs/INSTALL-cloud.md at main · discourse/discourse · GitHub

The forum is working great! Thanks for all the work that’s gone into making this!

I received an email telling me to update to version 3.3.0.beta4, but on my Update Discourse page I see this:

The first Update button is disabled, and the second one seems to point at a git commit hash, not a specific tagged version, which makes me uncomfortable. What is the recommended way for me to upgrade here?

(Note that I value stability over getting the latest new features. If I had realized what I was doing I would have chosen to install the stable version instead of the beta version, but I just did what the install instructions told me and ended up on the beta version.)

Hit the update button, because you can’t proceed without docker_manager being up to date.

I’m not sure how docker_manager is versioned, tbh, but showing a commit hash would seem completely reasonable.

If you want a “slower” set of updates, you can switch to stable branch in app.yml and wait for the new 3.3.0 stable to be cut (which may be quite soon :bird: ) and then rebuild (from the command line)

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Thanks for the help!

I get it now. I was confused at first thinking that discourse and docker_manager were two alternative ways to update Discourse, and didn’t realize they were completely separate things and that updating docker_manager was a prerequisite to updating discourse :man_facepalming:

Here’s what I’ve done:

  1. I pressed Update on docker_manager, bringing it up to date as shown here:

  1. Since the Update button for updating Discourse was then enabled, I ran that.

And now my forum is up to date :slight_smile:

For now I’ve decided to stay with the default install but may look into switching to stable in future.