Trouble upgrading from 3.3.0.beta1 to 3.3.0.beta6

Hi all - we’re having trouble upgrading our Discourse Forum from 3.3.0.beta1 to 3.3.0.beta6.

We followed the instructions in the admin panel:

    cd /var/discourse
    git pull
    ./launcher rebuild app

We also upgraded other packages that needed so. Things seemed to have been successful, but it’s still showing us 3.3.0.beta1 in our admin panel.

We have stopped and refreshed the docker container as well.

Also to note, we are running on Amazon Linux 2, not Ubuntu.

My initial thoughts are possibly around the git pull command? Perhaps we’re not grabbing the correct branch?

Any help or additional insight would be greatly appreciated, as we’d love to upgrade so that we no longer have the “A critical update is available” message.

Thank you.

What happens if you view source? Do you get the right version then?

You shouldn’t need to do a git pull, the rebuild usually does that itself doesn’t it?

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You don’t usually need the git pull, but what it does is make sure the launcher script is up to date. So it’s a good idea.

./launcher rebuild app does it everytime, first before anything else, doesn`t it?

In that case you’d be running the existing launcher script. Once or twice, this has made a difference. It’s not a script which changes often, I think.

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I’m running into a similar problem going from 3.2.0.beta1-dev to 3.3.0.beta6. It’s telling me there’s a new version, but when I click upgrade the console doesn’t show anything happening.

If I ssh into the box and perform a git pull it says Already up to date.

AFAIK pure git pull doesn`t do anything for that. It is for launcher.

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ok, well I’ve also performed a ./launcher rebuild app and still see the admin telling me that there’s a new version.

Yeah, but that is different thing than git pull.

Could it come from this somehow?

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I’m still on 3.2.0.beta1-dev though. Why am I not able to upgrade to 3.3.0?

Can you share your site url? If you view source on your site, what version do you see there?

hmm, maybe it’s due to this lets encrypt issue? I think I saw this on another app I’ve worked on that uses Ubuntu.

<meta name="generator" content="Discourse 3.2.0.beta1-dev - version 7ca5ee6cd2bcde191a192d9c3aa8bb6a6c3a4166">

It could be, but I doubt it. Unless. . .

You see no errors when you rebuild and it starts the new container? Or do you do a ./launcher start app after it fails (and you didn’t notice that it failed)?

What does

docker ps

show? When was the current container created and started?

Opening all ports during cmd line rebuild allowed the letsencrypt process to run.

If I view source it shows 3.2.0.beta1-dev

If I look at the Upgrade page it still shows that I’m not on the latest version.

Should ./launcher rebuild app pull the latest version?

You have to keep ports 80 and 443 open.


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Unless you changed the version: tests-passed to something else. I’m stumped.

I haven’t changed anything. I don’t know enough about how Discourse is built to do anything other than the default install steps. :slight_smile:

Not sure if this is what you’re talking about in the logs. I do see it showing new tag up till v3.3.0.beta6