It is LE cert. Ive just added email for LE when setting up the whole site. Cant share the site URL but I can provide all needed info. Discourse is up to date.
Chrome has locked padlock so says the cert is ok, but the period for which the cert is issued is in the past saying, when opening cert, that it is out of date.
There is no proxy.
Arent there any manual way of update?
EDIT: Chrome+standard Windows info about cert says the cert if out of date, but Firefox says it is ok and the dates are valid.
I don’t know which client you use, but if you use certbot certificates it will show all the certificates - expired and valid. If you’re still using the expired cert and do have a valid one, install the valid one.
One thing to take note of: LetsEncrypt was designed to automate your renewals. If you run if with the certbot manual command, then you have to manually renew every 60-90 days. If you use certonly, once you’ve created the cert, you’ll have to install it yourself.
This helps to understand that acme script is used to install/update. But still I dont find manual instruction to update cert. There should be some webpage for that. Later I will try to enter container and issue new cert based on this code.
Before I update the cert, I would like to know why for Chrome (exactly Windows info about cert) the cert is no longer valid (out of date), but for Firefox the cert is valid and have expiry time in the future.
Maybe there is no need to manually update the cert?
If you’re just checking the certificate date in your browser, then it might show an old one because of the forum’s service worker. I don’t think this is a problem (though I don’t exactly know how it all works.)