User Profiles Hidden for Non Staff Members

UPDATE: The issue is with the Custom Profile Link theme component. When a user field is set to not being visible on the public profile, the theme component manages to hide the entire profile. A workaround is to set the user field to be visible on the public profile.


Hello everyone, I need help,

I’ve just realized that on my Discourse forum, users who are not moderators or administrators are unable to view each others profiles, they can only view their own profiles. Below is an example.

Is this a site setting that I am missing? These users did not opt to hide their profile and presence options in their interface settings.

If anybody can help or knows about this issue, please help me out, Thanks.

This is a screenshot of a computer desktop with a dark background and a city skyline under a dark sky.  (Captioned by AI)

Does it happen in safe mode? Could be somerhing messing with your theme.


It doesn’t happen in safe mode, thanks for the tip! Let me try disabling all my theme components and re-enabling them one by one to see which one is the troublemaker.


Alright, I was able to narrow the issue down to the Custom Profile Link theme component. I have since disabled it and now the profiles are operating normally.

EDIT: This only occurs when the User Field for the theme component is set to where it is not shown on the profile. I have now made it visible on the profile and re-enabled the theme component, it is now operating normally. This does seem to be a bug though.


Should I change this topic from support to bug or should I create an entirely new topic? Thanks.

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Let’s flip it. :+1: But if you could edit your findings and some repro steps into the OP that would be :chefs_kiss:


Not a problem, updating now. Thanks! :smiley: