Video Playing on its Own

I’ve had a request come in from one of our users that is supposedly happening to more than one person, but it doesn’t seem to happen consistently. Basically, a video resumes play all on its own if it’s paused and the user scrolls down the page.

Has anybody else experienced this problem? Thanks.

If on a forum there is a video and I play it, then stop it. Scrolling down, after a few minutes the video long off the screen will start playing. This started a few months ago.

FYI - I know it’s playing because I get audio from it. If I stop it after a few minutes I’ll suddenly start hearing it again. If I reload the page it does not start playing.

I’m using Chrome Version 123.0.6312.105 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Linux. Just wondering if this is a Chrome issue, the forum software, the YT player… I haven’t noticed it on other sites, but I don’t visit many that have the continuous loading page.

So I have not been able to figure out how to reliably recreate the issue. It seems very random. Here are some things I do know:

I have only seen it happen under Chrome on Linux, but I’m still watching for it to occur on other platforms (Firefox on Linux, Samsung tablet, Android phone).

When it starts happening, it will keep happening. That is when it happens if you scroll around a bit it will happen over and over.

It will happen when scrolling backwards or forwards.

When it happens, there is a little jump in the scroll.

When it happens I see URL happen several times in the Developer tools log. The fact this URL is related to video makes me very suspicious this is probably related.

I asked on the forum topic and one other person reported they had seen it on their tablet.