Viewing the user who marks the solution

Hi everyone :wave:

I’m recently facing an issue where I want to know if the author of the post marked a reply as a solution or if it was an admin/mod.

I currently have no idea how to figure that out or if Discourse even shows that.

IIRC, Discourse only sends a notification to the author of the reply and the author of the topic if someone else marks the solution.

This will also help to keep in check if someone is just marking their own replies as solutions to boost stats.

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You can use the data explorer to find that out


There’s also this open feature request you may find interesting and want to add your voice to:


Thank you @Moin

I mean the ability to view who marked solutions for non-admin roles like category mods and even regular users as well.

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Thanks @JammyDodger

I have added to the open feature request you shared.

I’d really appreciate it if everyone could view who marked the solution.