Want to set internal forum on our reactjs member's platform

I have 1 specific requirement: On my reactjs platform for our internal members, we have a proposal where conversations need to happen through Discourse forum.
For each proposal there are multiple people involved who should

  1. see the conversations in the same timeline fashion
  2. the topic should automatically gets created when a new proposal started
  3. these users are already logged in so they don’t have to login to discourse for a seamless experience
  4. each member should get emails for a new comment addition with attachments if any
  5. if a member is replying on the email only the comment with attachement should get added to the proposal discussion.

Please let me know how can I implement this.

Thank you!

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Setup single sign on, using Setup DiscourseConnect - Official Single-Sign-On for Discourse (sso)

Users can control their email preferences, and you can set defaults for new users. No emails though, as far as I know.

This is easily doable with our API.

Setup Set up reply by email with POP3 polling


See also Embed Discourse comments on another website via Javascript and Configure direct-delivery incoming email for self-hosted sites

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