Webby Awards: Vote for Discourse for Best Community! 🎉

:mega: We have exciting news to share! We’ve been nominated for The Webby Awards community category!

To help us win a Webby award, vote for Discourse here.



Voted! It is excellent that Discourse is highlighted. :tada:
It will be interesting to see new Discourse enthusiasts. :smile:


Congrats for the nomination!!! I voted, and I hope Discourse wins! :discourse:


Voted ATM 4th place! Congrats & good luck!


Donee. Hope WE won it


Ugh, wish they had a simple vote system instead of having to sign up to vote :weary:


I can understand the why. Makes it a bit harder for vote manipulation by having to sign up. In my XP ones pthat have simple no sign up; using an incognito browser or clearing cookies will typically allow multiple votes.l

But agreed it is a :100:% pita to have all these signups are a nuisance. :laughing:


Voted! Albeit, I’m a little confused about whether the “community” in the award category is referring to meta.discourse.org or Discourse the software. The other entrants in the category are not software frameworks, and it’s under “Websites and Mobile Sites”, not “Apps and Software”.

Or, maybe we’re voting for the awesome https://discourse.org landing page itself :slight_smile:


I voted for Discourse! Discourse is up at 14% of the vote now.

Yeah I was a bit confused too. It seems the other entrants are maybe online communities? (E.g. Wattled is a community of writers, Raw Talent Network seems to be a creative community, and so on.) Maybe that’s what it’s referring to. Not sure.

But still voted for Discourse anyway. There have been several communities all on Discourse which are my favs. (Wrote about it on here!)


While I love Discourse and have voted for it, I agree - it makes no sense! The other entrants are specific communities, NOT community platforms.

Was it entered in the wrong category??

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Thanks for the vote!

As for whether we entered ourselves into the wrong category, I would be sooo impressed with us if we did and still got nominated.

The category is pretty broad so I understand where the confusion comes from when you compare the nominees.

This is the category write up that they showed from last year where Discord was the winner:

Sites creating and facilitating online community, connectedness, and/or communication around shared interests. These sites can target either a broad-based or niche audience and can include social media sites.


That’s fantastic news! Congratulations on the well-deserved nomination for The Webby Awards in the community category. It’s a true testament to the hard work and dedication the Discourse team puts into creating a platform that fosters engaging and meaningful interactions. I’ll be sure to cast my vote and encourage others to do the same. Wishing you all the best of luck—here’s to hoping Discourse takes home the award!

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Thanks to everyone who voted! We didn’t win but there is always next year!