What Does "Seen" and "Last Emailed" Mean

“Last emailed” seems self-explanatory, but I have no idea why they are all different? I have no clue what “Seen” means?

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Seen was the last time the system logged them as being active in the community. If you look at “Active” you will be “Seen <1min” because you just clicked a link

So “Seen 5mon” means that the user has not been on the site for 5 months

However, they may still have been reading content in emails - Activity summaries, notifications, watched categories, etc. Each time an email is sent to them, this is logged too. So “Last Emailed 6d” means that an email was sent to that user 6 days ago.

If you want, you can go to the Email logs to see what that email subject line was.


Thanks, Robert. I appreciate this.