What would you tell your younger self? (New Discourse Install)

I’m about to embark on the journey of installing Discourse on my own server (DigitalOcean droplet).

My plan

Type of community: Invite only community
Type of installation: Simple cloud install as mentioned here
Server: Digital Ocean droplet (Premium AMD, 2gb ram)
Transactional email: Postmark with smtp configuration
DNS: Cloudflare ( I went over https://meta.discourse.org/t/using-discourse-with-cloudflare-best-practices/293405)
Estimated community size: 100 users
Domain: I already have the subdomain ready with email setup under the subdomain.
Features: For now, only interested in the core plugins.

My experience: I have experience on running Wordpress websites on my own web servers but I’m new to Discourse and community platforms in general.

If you could give your younger self advice on installing Discourse for the first time, what advice would you give?