(Ryan Scott)
December 6, 2024, 1:46am
Why do past events disappear on the calendar, but others stay visible? I have toggled in Admin settings for events not ever to be deleted:
There were several events on Dec 3, 4, 5th:
It may have to do with setting if meeting is private or public? The two public events in November are still showing (and there were meetings at least one per day during the work week, all month long):
Here is what was selected for one of the public events:
Here is what was selected for one of the upcoming events (hasnt disappeared yet):
Or maybe connected to specific groups being invited to private events?
December 6, 2024, 2:59pm
is that the upcoming events calendar?
The Upcoming Events page /upcoming-events is very useful:
However, a few tweaks would make it truly awesome.
Old events
While I can understand why old events aren’t displayed, it is often helpful to be able to see them easily. This is what we all have in our personal (email) calendars.
I suggest that instead we display ALL events in the calendar. It would work nicely to ‘grey out’ all events that have already occurred (but keep them clickable)
Update: Additional suggestions spli…
more info in this topic
I’m not sure if this potential bug has been reported yet, but our events keep disappearing from the calendar after the events have concluded.
This happens despite us using the setting -1 for “delete expired event posts after” in the plugin settings.
Is this an error on our end or is the setting not working as intended?
(Ryan Scott)
December 6, 2024, 3:04pm
Yes, and I saw the purported solutions, as the final solution is toggled: