Why do TL4 users have permissions to manage other users' topics?

I created a brand new account and set its trust level to 4. However, I found that this new account has management permissions over topics created by admin accounts and the system, and can see topics unlisted by admins. When its trust level is below 4, it cannot perform these actions. Or perhaps it is because its trust level is the same as the admin’s? I have went through the settings page but haven’t found settings to manage these permissions.

As shown in the image, this topic was posted by an admin, yet this regular user account can still manage the topic.
I wonder is this a feature, or have I missed a setting?
Thank you for your help❤

And as shown in the image, when I search for “trust_level_4,” I don’t get any results (please ignore the Chinese text in the image).

Trust level 4 users can help to moderate the forum.
In contrast to trust levels 0-3, trust level 4 has to be granted manually by staff. So these are users you trust so much that you give them further permissions.

The setting you are looking for is ‘edit all posts groups’. I always use this topic to find those settings.


You’re describing how it works. Trust Level 4 is never automatically assigned. It’s sometimes convenient to give people that kind of access. See
Trust Level Permissions Table (inc Moderator Roles)


Thanks, guys! I thought that tl4 would be automatically assigned as well, so I set default tl to tl4😂
Anyway, thank you again!