Wishlist: 'Note to self' in bookmark/reminder

I just set a reminder for 3 days hence. If there’s been no further movement on the topic in the interim, I want to ask in a whisper if it’s something we should add to the docs.

I’m praying I still remember my intent when the reminder goes off.

It would be nice to be able to leave myself a note. :slight_smile:


I use the ‘What is this bookmark for’ field for notes.

The image shows a dialog box titled "Edit bookmark" with a text field containing the text "This is a test" and a dropdown menu labeled "After you are notified" with the option "Keep bookmark" selected. (Captioned by AI)

Then I can find the information when I edit the bookmark and at the list of bookmarks.

The place where I would like to see this additionally is the notification itself. But I’m not sure how that would look when notes are long.


Ah! It’s under ‘Custom…’

:woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:

I’m not sure I care how it looks.

Honestly, I think knowing that I’ve set notes on some bookmarks and having to go check for each bookmark because I can’t know if this is one of the ones with a note until I’ve looked it up… That may be worse than having no notes at all


That’s exactly what I don’t like about the new bookmark menu. It’s great for quickly setting reminders, but the fact that you can configure other things than the reminder when you answer “Also set a reminder?” with “Custom” is not intuitive.

Maybe the bookmark modal could open when you click the reminder, like the history modal shows when you click an edit notification.


I feel this has shifted from a feature request into ux feedback on the new bookmarks. I’m drawing a blank on a new title though :derp: Any suggestions?


In my opinion there are two aspects:

  1. ux Bookmark features that aren’t reminders are harder to find

  2. feature show notes on bookmarks somewhere in connection with the reminder


Are you content with a whisper that everyone who can see whispers can see? Or are you asking for an e.g. whisper to self feature? That I find kind of interesting. I often set reminders for myself but then don’t remember anymore why I set the reminder.

There are other contexts where whisper to self is potentially interesting, e.g. when you assign/unassign a topic from yourself or close a topic.

If you’re happy with everyone seeing your whisper, I’d personally suggest you take the time to write that whisper in addition to setting a reminder for yourself.

That said, an addition to the bookmark system to also display notes with bookmarked topics as well as in the bookmarks list might also be useful. Just like we have link backs to topics linking to a topic or post.


Bookmark manager maybe? Or bookmark UX improvements?
Bookmarks are decent but would be good to have a manager where bookmarks could be organized into folders and such.

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A hack I sometimes use half by accident is to draft a reply and set a bookmark reminder. (Sometimes I do this because halfway through drafting a reply, I decide “nah, I’m not sure I want to post this right now.”)

When the reminder goes off and I click back into the topic, the composer pops open with my draft.


If I were ready for every whisper-seer to see it, I’d go ahead & post the whisper rather than bookmarking.

I suppose a whisper-to-self would work. But the note to self doesn’t really need to be immortalized in the thread, which is why I was asking for a note on a reminder.