Search section like on Reddit?

Hi everyone,
Can I add a search field like this to my site?
And I want to remove the search button from the right side
Thank you :slight_smile:

Search Banner, maybe? But searching could be a good way to find some potential solutions. :wink:

1 Like

Thank you so much.
Can we ovalize the edges of the box?

Like here.
And can we paint the inside?
With hover like on reddit

You can customize it with css.

@Moin thank you Moin but I can’t do this, so I’m asking for your help.
I watched his videos, I tried many times and it doesn’t work.
I tried it on Firefox and Chrome.

If you are trying to learn to customize your forum, please take some time to learn some basics of themes, components and CSS. Alternatively, you can always post in marketplace for paid help to customize your forum.


This theme-component might help

This one for button styles


Hello friends, I see you are trying to help me but I cannot write code.
If there is ready code I can only fix it.
If there is anyone who can help, I’ll wait.
Thank you.
What seems easy for you is difficult for me, the codes are too complicated for me.

It’s not exactly in the middle.
And looking so bad for me.
I’m getting angry because I can’t edit but there’s nothing to do :smiley:
Reddit original search looks great.
Of course it’s Reddit. But I would like to be able to do this at least in a close similarity.

Im a coder now :sunglasses: :grin:

.floating-search-input .search-banner-inner.wrap .search-menu .search-input {
    border-radius: 10px;
    background-color: #3e3e58;
    border: 0px solid;

.floating-search-input .search-banner-inner.wrap .search-menu .search-input:hover {
    background-color: #4c4c6b;

Hi everyone!, {
    width: 600px;
    left: 150px;

.floating-search-input .search-banner-inner.wrap .search-menu .search-icon {
    left: 150px;

I wrote these codes, when I add them to the css field, it looks the way I want, but it doesn’t look like that in others.
Can you help me pls ?

And I want to expand the size of the search box slightly upwards. I couldn’t find it, can anyone find it?

Just an FYI @ogulcan1787, this feels like it may be bordering on:

Have you been doing some research for these issues outside of this forum? I believe there are a lot resources available.


Yes, I’m searching but I can’t find it. I use that site

seems ok to me? :thinking:

Did you search that site for how to center?

I prefer this site myself: