Missing Icons

Our site suddenly stopped displaying icons. See the search in the top right, icons in the side nav, and post tool buttons.

You may have to find the font awesome 6 equivalent of v 5 icons. For example shield-alt is now shield-halved

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I assumed it would be related to that. I could understand some of the more niche icons that need to be updated manually, but I would hope the more generic ones (like pencil for edit, magnifying glass for search, etc.) are automatically updated by the platform.

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They should be automatically remapped. I can see you’ve got the new icons. Not sure why the :mag: icon isn’t there :thinking:

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I can see the one for groups, upcoming events and the search icon

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Try a cache bypass reload?
(Ctrl/CMD + Shift + R)


Cache bypass didn’t work for me. Still missing icons.

Ah you’re using the Font Awesome Pro plugin, yes? I think we might need to update this for compatibility.


Yes, it appears that we are!


We’ll have a fix for this soon!

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I’ve just pushed an update, but there are still a few lingering icons missing, specifically with the fad prefix for some reason… still investigating


@putty the icons have returned! this ended up being a two-for-one issue where we had to update the icon names in the FontAwesome Pro plugin, and also had to update the plugin for our tooling change from yarn to pnpm

If anyone else ends up encountering this issue, it should be remedied by updating Discourse (which will also pull in the plugin updates).


I can confirm that they are all back! Thank you for the urgency :raised_hands:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Some icons not showing up after upgrade