My topics not in latest?

Hi, is there a way for the topics I created myself not to appear in the latest list? (because I know them, I created them), thanks.

They are latest, though. You can tell that you’ve read them already because they are a different color from the ones you haven’t read.

Wouldn’t it be more confusing if your posts weren’t visible to you?

Hi, well, it depends of the use case. My use case is as follow:

  • I have some RSS feeds that create topics in a particular category
  • Those topics are created under my name (I am admin)
  • That category is muted by default

So non admin users do not see those topics in the latest lists, which is fine, it’s as designed. (the purpose if for them to unmute that category if they wish)

But I would like not to see those posts in my latest list (and muting the category does not achieve that because I guess I am the creator of those topics).

As the creator, I wish to have the choice of not displaying them in my latest.


Maybe give one of these a try


Thanks, they are theme components isn’t it?

no the second one is the plugin. edit: sorry I forgot one of them was a plugin. :wink:


Both have a plugin.rb file. So both are plugins

If you want to remove a category, you can try

There you can exclude a category

Or create a user who will be author of the posts, so they aren’t yours

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Use a special tag for those posts, as rss or what ever and mute that. Makes living more balanced.

One side effect is those stays muted even if/when getting some discussion


Thanks guys, looks like I have several solutions, will examine that.

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DOH :woman_facepalming:t2:

well you can just install either of the plugins then lol

I thought I recalled seeing one that was theme component though :thinking:

*starts thinking about making one… nahhhh


What about this?

I think this is actually a bug.

When I create a topic in category C, and mute category C, I will still see the topic in latest.

However, when I take @Jagster his (excellent) idea and tag that topic with tag T, and then mute that tag, I do not see the topic in latest any more.

Why is a muted tag treated differently than a muted category?


Oh this is interesting, can I just apply a tag to my RSS created topics and mute that tag? (I like this bug!)

If I do that, that muted tag will just be for myself is’nt it?

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Because the rules for which status overwrites which are complicated. I think the tracking status of the topic should overrule the others. There is a bug regarding tags: Muted forum tags not visible on homepage when watching/tracking


Yes, if you mute it in /my/preferences/tracking then it will affect only you.

That’s what I tried to say :wink:

So if this bug is ever solved @patrickemin then this won’t work any more. I think the best solution would be to use a different user (than yourself) for those auto created topics.


If that is a bug it has been there quite long time.

Yes, it was fixed for categories in 2015, but never for tags (I think that was even before tags existed) FIX: explicitly tracked topics will show up even if category is muted · discourse/discourse@a56e3cc · GitHub


Yes I was not comfortable relying on a bug :grin:
Ok creating another user seems the easiest, thanks. And BTW even better because after all I am not the creator of those topics which come from a RSS feed…


Damn you, now you broke totally working solution by asking this and I have to do same thing :rofl:

Seriously. Using that hiddden tag was easy way to get those topics visible. All what was needed was putting it in the sidebar. But if I/we/everybody must silence a pseudo-user finding those topics is more difficult.


Don’t worry, that bug was reported almost 1.5 years ago and it’s not fixed yet :wink: