2019: The Year in Review

Top #dev Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Discourse Trust Levels for Discord 30
Is it just me, or is Hyperscript hideous? 8
Any interest in Podman? 8
Adding user attributes to the directory item serializer 7
Using a launcher built docker image in docker-compose 6

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Discourse Trust Levels for Discord 18
Adding user attributes to the directory item serializer 14
Hands-free Discourse - An accessibility component w/ head tracked pointers 13
Discourse-webpack: A boilerplate for developing JS-heavy Discourse components 13

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Discourse Trust Levels for Discord 61
Is it just me, or is Hyperscript hideous? 24
Any interest in Podman? 22
Sidekiq fails to start after Zeitwerk on docker dev 22
Using tag-chooser in a plugin 21

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Discourse Trust Levels for Discord 29
Adding user attributes to the directory item serializer 26
Category serializer modification is behaving differently in 2.4.0 23
Adding a stable way of adding whitelisted "orphaned" uploads in a plugin 22
Manage categories Trello style - a kanban service for Discourse 21

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
How can I make my own Discourse plugins? 7