2020: The Year in Review

Top #dev Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Installing Discourse for macOS Development Using asdf and docker-compose 16
Theme-Component v Plugin: What's the difference 9
Is there any way to listen User login event using Theme component 8
Discourse Plugins and Rails 6 config/initializers Question 7
Is it possible to modify a function in a helper via the plugin or theme component system? 6

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
New PHP API library 12

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Theme-Component v Plugin: What's the difference 22
Discourse Plugins and Rails 6 config/initializers Question 22
Get topic id when the topic show page loads 21
Is it possible to modify a function in a helper via the plugin or theme component system? 20
How to fetch topics ordered by custom field iso8601 value? 19

Most Popular

User Topic Score
I’d like to start developing for Discourse, where should I begin? 22
Is there a theming 'map'? (An easy way to find plugin-outlets etc) 22
Why isn't the Discourse API fully documented? 21
Creating a "Featured Categories" homepage banner 21
Is there any way to listen User login event using Theme component 20

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
How discourse stays online (Message Bus, Faye, Long Polling) 19
Why GNU License? 19
How can I make my own Discourse plugins? 15
Learn how to build Discourse plugins by helping me 15
A basic Discourse archival tool 13