Admin Message Users before Access Approval?

We require approval for all new users. But we need some users to fix issues with their registration information before approval.

Can requesting users see the messages from an admin prior to approving their access?

Welcome to :discourse: Meta!

I believe so as they would have activated their account by email or used an Invite link.

Easiest way to test. Create a test user and see how it works.

Welcome @jsweezy!

As far as I’m aware no. Since if a user could message you on your site without being approved first it would defeat the point.

A user waiting to be approved gets this email

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There needs to be a staging area where users waiting on approval can get messages from the administrators only. We need more information than some users are providing.

An easy work around. Approve user and silence the user. Include in the reason what they need to fix.

If self hosted this plugin maybe of interest

You would need to ask the DeV. But might also work for your purpose

But I don’t want the user to also see anything in the forum either until they are approved.

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You could use category permissions.

Add all approved users to a Group. Change your category settings


  • Everyone See/Create/reply


  • Approved Group see/create/reply

Using this method makes Silencing unessary.

Not sure if unapproved users can for example change user fields that are editable.

If needing to hide more than just categories. Custom CSS that if not in Approved group Display none.

You could set group permissions so that they couldn’t see anything until they got added to the approved group. You can’t receive a message if you are not a user.

There could be a way (maybe a plugin?) to make them staged users so you could email them.

I think a plugin that created a staged user when they created an account might work? Or maybe staged users and must approve users are incompatible.

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