AdSense Auto ads

Still I had this problem. If it’s resolved, my adsense revenue will increase alot. Recently we hits 600K pageviews, Discourse is just awesome but still the ads income is poor. :frowning:

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Are these Pageviews Per day?

All time pageviews. Around 4 months page views.


If you don’t mind the asking, I don’t mind the answering :wink:

For clarity, the pageviews of 600K are they analytics or adsense pagevciew metric?

What kind daily average for one or more: revenue, clicks, impressions or pageviews within adsense?

Yes but like most of Google UI/UX it’s incredibly unintuitive. I really don’t like their interfaces setup at all… but that’s another topic!

Auto ads > (click) NEW URL GROUP

Here you can specify specific URL’s and how the auto-ads appear or not! :unamused:

Discourse metrics. I don’t have GA or Adsense stats now, main admin have access to those. Later I will share the details with her permission.


Ok cool, general stats are fine. Like week or month vs revenue.

Well anyhow. I had a look there at our stats for comparison.

April 12 (Pageview Stats)

22,325 - Discourse:
3,970 - G Analytics:
1,910 - Adsense

Never having forum pageviews from previous forum as we do with Discourse, not sure what to make of the massive difference between Discourse Vs Google/Adsense stats. Thus I can not draw no conclusions and only consider is:

A) Uh OH! Something is seriously not working!
B) This is normal, there is a technical explanation.

This is probably getting a bit off topic so to take it back. In my experience, auto-ads once you get them under control don’t always give a great return but it can help with keeping the total a little higher.

You have to observe how they appear. So far they are not so bad in Discourse. The mobile one are often the most invasion with full screen display, these can really annoy users. I generally turn these off.



Discourse - 1.1M
Adsense - 233K


Thanks for the insight. Can you clarify what is the duration covered for those stats, a week, a month, more/less?

All time i.e, 6 months.

Ok so your page RPM and Impression Rpm are very low. That doesn’t help but impression from our experience is key.

What I’ve found is our page RPM and impressions RPM has gone up since move to Discourse but the impressions have collapsed. Click are down a bit but not as much as impressions.

Red = Page Views
Yellow = Impressions

Pg RPM = Purple
Imp RPM = Blue


You can see the point where red/yellow hit the floor, and it hasn’t improved over time. It’s a big problem.

Perhaps we’ll try the other plugin but the only other option that we can see is to migrate to another platform.

You can see here, the Revenue pattern, Before / After Discourse, it’s not hard to tell.

Discourse is a great platform but if like many forums you rely on revenue to pay for maybe the cost to keep a labour of love alive, or actually make a living income from your online forum or website, then you should think very hard before you migrate to Discourse (or any platform for that matter!) until you have tested or are sure you are not going to see a 50-80% drop in your income.

We didn’t really come across this subject until too late, thus post this as a cautionary tale.

We don’t know what it is exactly that causes the problem yet, it’s been suggest it something to do with how discourse server up the pages, but nothing more specific than that!

Time has not solved it, even as user engagement and new signup is all trending in the right direction. Even if you loose 10-15% of your traffic it shouldn’t equate to 50-80% drop in revenue, should it? How then if so?

Yes there are also google whims but in this instance you can clear see the switch over point.

It’s night and day.


Just to focus on the impression point more, since we have the data from before and after, in simple number terms.

3 months Before switch = 2.2M (approx)
3 months Switched = 0.5M (approx)

The strange thing is Discourse gave us better mobile ad serving often where we had zero, and yet the impressions fell off the cliff! :hushed:

The question has to be asked:

*What causes Discourse to score such low impressions?


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How is AdSense measuring pageviews and impressions? Remember that Discourse is a single page app, so how does AdSense count a pageview? How do your ad placements and frequency of ads per page compare with what you’re showing in Discourse?

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i think the problem is the Hot Reload, when a page is loaded you also load all the ads, but during surfing these ads are never reloaded, so you have 100 pageviews in Discourse but only 1 impression in Adsense.


Since we are supposed to write Auto ADs code on every page we want them to display on, how can I write auto ADs code to all pages of Discourse.

And equally important is the fact that auto ADs code is 7859204789981798 (not real) this long (and this is exactly same as my ADSense Publisher code), but I’ve read that Discourse expects 10 Digits AD codes. So for Auto ADs to work, how and where do I use this 16 digit code given by Ad Sense Auto ADs?

This guide is working for me:

In every Ad Slots alway includes Adsense Client ID.

Or get client id via Auto Ads:

Hope to help you!


Is there any way to add Amp Adsense ads code into discourse?
Sometimes ads are not showing when I click next topic, I have to refresh the website to see the ads again as discourse is a SPA.
What is your suggestions?

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@Viki I don’t understand why you would want to show AMP ads in Discourse. Can you explain?

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Because sometimes normal ads not showing up when I click next topic without refreshing the browser, so I am just asking APM ads will suitable for SPA?

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Google has released some kind of an update to Auto Ads in October, but still they don’t seem to provide good demos or screenshot on what to expect. Also according to the release notes the code can now be served via any regular AdSense unit, so integration to Discourse is now seamless?

Anyone running this in production? I would be very interested in seeing this live.