Approve unless allowed groups setting

Can we separate the general discussion about trust level groups and this support issue regarding post approval?


Hi, me again :slightly_smiling_face:

In my attempt to understand why my TL2 users posts go to the approval queue, I was thinking may be that setting: “category experts posts require approval” (which is set to active in my settings) plays a role?

Because the TL2 user which posts went to the approval queue is a category expert
 So may be something to dig in here?

I will deactivate that setting temporarily to see.

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Isn’t that working then exacly how you wanted :smirk:

Well, no, that hypothesis was not confirmed today since a TL2 user posted a reply that went again to the approval queue even though the setting “category experts posts require approval” was disabled.

I wonder if the issue I have might be related to the minimum scores because for example I have this analysis:

In particular “minimum score to hide the message” is at 8.0 and my user is at 6.0 ?
I will dig into that scores concept in the documentation because I am not familiar with it.