Are users suppose to get emails for a 'notification'?

I had a user support issue where he was confused that he was getting emails as he had set his email setting to all but “email if someone messages me”. I did track it down to him having some forums set to ‘Watching’ but to be fair the text for that doesn’t say “We will email you, etc” it just says you’ll get a notification which for most users probably is inferred as a message in their internal user message area.

Shouldn’t the text indicate in some way, how they will be notified? Or at least the settings should have a way for them to choose between the different means for notifying them.

Change js.user.email_level.title


Send me an email when someone quotes me, replies to my post, mentions my @username, or invites me to a topic

To something like:

Send me an email when someone quotes me, replies to my post, mentions my @username, or invites me to a topic, and also regarding categories and topics I’m watching.

And it’ll make more sense

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CHeck their personal settings. The default is not to send an email for something they’ve seen already:

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Here’s some older stuff about this:

He has the second option set to “Never”. But these posts don’t involve being quotes, replies, mentions, etc.

Then he should expect never to get an email.

Wait what’s the setting for the first one?

But these emails are in relation to new posts. Not user messages.