Automatic Unsilence?

So, one of my friends recently got silenced on the forums we’re on. Then, about a day or two ago, he suddenly got unsilenced even though the mods weren’t on at that time. While this is good (…because transmitting messages through a literal Padlet isn’t the best thing), it did leave me wondering: How?

(Also, somebody said that Discourse might run on autopilot, but I don’t think it’s really like that…)

I’m not sure if this is a bug or an anomaly like the last time I posted.

If you’re silenced for a set amount of time then that will automatically expire when the timer runs down.

For this to be a bug report, we’d need much more detail about how they were silenced and how long for, as well as any steps you could give so we can reproduce the issue.


Pretty sure its the system.
On the GKC forums the system unsilenced a person.

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That’s how the feature works.


Yeaaaaaaaah I’m just stupid at this point. Would be better if this got fixed:

That other topic looks wrong - he’s looking at the “Temporarily on hold” message.

This is the current default text template:

You have been silenced from the forum until %{silenced_till}.

Reason - %{reason}

and this is the email you get when silenced:


Turns out, that guy never checked his email, so this whole topic was just from that confusion that started because of that (and me not using my brain)… sorry for wasting your time.