Breaking translation in ‘capybara’ step in Discobot (Simplified Chinese)

A user called scavin on crowdin add wrong translation to the discourse bot tutorial (here)

Which prevent every new user from finish the tutorial :dizzy_face:

I already report it on crowdin. Is there anyway we can do to prevent this kind of thing happen again?

Also a question, do we have proofreading when someone update the translation?


Probably just a typo. It happens. And no, we can’t prevent that. We rely on the community to resolve such issues.

We have a proofreader for Simplified Chinese, but they look at those strings only twice a year. Thanks for fixing the translation meanwhile. It will be included in tomorrow’s translation update.

BTW: You might want to translate the word psst as well.

psst … 我在这个主题中隐藏了一个惊喜。如果您愿意接受挑战,选择右上角 :arrow_upper_right:的搜索图标 ,选择“在此主题中”,然后搜索它。
