"Circles" in Discourse

I’d love to see something like this be implemented into Discourse.

Groups are nice, but they’re not entirely similar, nor are they exactly what I have in mind.

Maybe it would be possible through a plugin? If so, should I request for it in marketplace? I would rather see it implemented in the core version of Discourse, mostly since I don’t have a budget in mind. :sweat_smile:

From what I believe, that’s an implementation of groups that’s controlled by users rather than admins. I’m not entirely sure how taxing it would be on the system resources though.

Yes, with a custom home page for each one.

Assuming I have a high-end server, that wouldn’t be an issue. Right?

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You can try marketplace if you have a budget. From what I’ve seen, everything is doable in discourse if you have the right budget for it.

Okay, I’ll try it tomorrow.

Really? That’s perfect for what I’m planning then! :grin:

I’ve seen discourse-circles mentioned in 3.1.0.beta4 release notes, but could not find anything but this topic regarding ‘circles’. Is this related?

The repository at https://github.com/discourse/discourse-circles is not public, although @pmusaraj added it to the all plugins list.


Good :eagle: eye there @hellekin… we are working on this but it’s not ready for a public test just yet. It will be soon, alas, I don’t exactly know when.


I guess this isn’t coming anymore, rip it got edited out of the release notes a few days after. I would love to see something like this where users can create a club/social group!
