Comment Reply Threading / Linking on the WordPress Side


I did a search and even though it’s said in this thread this has been discussed elsewhere, I can’t find it. (I also looked at WP Discourse template customization and WP Discourse Plugin Tips and Tricks.)

I just launched Discourse comments on my Wordpress site, and I’m having the same issue as Berto—without the context of “This is a reply to…” (either name or comment), the comments are a bit challenging to follow. Since I am trying to sell my readership that Discourse is a superior experience to Disqus, and that they should give it a try, it’s not the best look for that.

@simon Did you come up with a solution to this? Do I need to use the the Javascript embedding? It’d be great if I could make the conversation flow more clearly like on Coding Horror’s blog. (But I’d really prefer to keep using WP-Discourse, which I love.)