Complete daily or weekly digest for some users?

I’m setting up Discourse for a community that strongly prefers email - they want to read and response almost entirely by email.

About 2/3s of the members like to get a separate email for every post and every reply, and the rest want a daily digest - but they’d like the digest to contain ALL posts and replies.

Most of these folks will never actually visit the Discourse site in their browser.

I’ve tried turning on Mailing List Mode for all users, but I’m not quite sure how that interacts with other settings.

I’ve also set things up so new users are subscribed to the main topic, which has so far worked well for making sure everyone gets an email for every post.

I have two questions:

  1. Is it possible to set things up so most users get a separate email for each post and each comment, but those who prefer a daily digest can get that - one that contains ALL posts and comments?

  2. Is there a way for me, as an admin, to select multiple users and bulk modify their preferences all at once?

Thank you!

Here is the (generally) trusty advice from Discourse AI helper:

  1. Default Email Notifications:
  • Activating mailing list mode will override other email notification settings such as the activity summary. Users will receive an email for every new post.
  • Muted topics and categories are not included in the emails even in mailing list mode (source).
  1. Category Exclusions:
  • There might be a need to exclude specific categories from mailing list mode. Users have asked if it’s possible to exclude categories from sending emails, particularly for announcements (source).
  1. Handling Own Posts:
  • By default, users do not receive emails for their own posts in mailing list mode. This has led to discussions on whether users should receive copies of their own posts (source).

See also What is “Mailing List mode”?

Take a look at Edit a user preference for everyone or a subset of users

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Your question / request has many moving parts, and about this one…

… for this to work you would need Option to always receive Activity Summaries even when you've been on the forum (among other pieces that are missing, like the fact that the digest contains everything missed, or everything in the last 24 hours, and not just a selection).

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This plugin does most of the things you want


Thank you, Hawk - that’s all very clear and very helpful! Much appreciated!

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Thank you!

Thanks, Richard!

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