Daily Summary (1pm UTC)

Today on meta.discourse.org

Key Stats

  • New Posts: 83
  • New Topics: 6

Top Contributors:

  1. CocoQuark (9 likes, 6 posts)
  2. LotusJeff (8 likes, 4 posts)
  3. Ed_S (6 likes, 7 posts)
  4. Jagster (5 likes, 1 posts)
  5. md-misko (4 likes, 2 posts)

Interesting Topics

Support Category

Bug Category

UX Category

  • Discussion continued on Events display issues where standalone events showed “0 going” unnecessarily.

Theme Category

  • Fma965 provided feedback on the FKB Pro Social theme, requesting an option to prevent layout readjustment when the sidebar is hidden.

Dev Category

#Self-Hosting Category

Activity by the @team Group

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again tomorrow! :slight_smile:

Today on meta.discourse.org

Key Stats

Interesting Topics


  • MihirR reported a user profile click issue in the chat window where clicking on usernames causes the interface to turn blank. rishabh confirmed the issue can be reproduced on Firefox (MacOS).

  • Users are experiencing segmentation faults during assets:precompile with mini_racer.rb, with hellekin noting undefined method errors for salt and theme modifiers.




  • rishabh responded positively to a suggestion for adding graphs of cheers, comparing it to GitHub’s profile heatmap functionality.


  • Don provided detailed CSS examples for customizing avatar placement within topic bodies.





  • BrianC shared heartfelt wishes for 2025, expressing appreciation for both the Discourse product and community.

Activity by the @team Group

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again tomorrow! :slight_smile: