Digital Ocean Alternative

Hey everyone here,
Can any one suggest me the alternative of DigitalOcean. They are wasting a lot of time now by “putting account under review” and this is really bad.

I was going to install “discourse” on digital ocean for my client but After I had created the account and submit money through PayPal they put account under review. My money is also deducted from account.

I don’t have time currently to wait for there reply. This is too much.

Can anyone tell, where I can install Discourse Other than DigitalOcean.
Thanks In Advance

Anywhere that gives you root access and you can install Docker will work.

There are plenty of topics on this issue. Here are some I found by searching “cheap hosting”: Cheap Docker hosting?, The cheapest solution for hosting?, What are the cheapest ways to host a Discourse?.

AWS is also a popular option.


We can have your clients forum up and running in 5 minutes at :slight_smile:


How long does 20 GB of storage last for 1000 users who are on Discourse every day?

Depends how much they upload I would have thought!


Probably not the answer you want to hear, but that depends. We have forums that have 1000 daily users that only post once a day, we also have forums that have 1000 daily users that each post three series consisting of 10 high-resolution pictures each day.

But I think the main message is that it takes quite a lot. We don’t see many forums that use that much space, and if they do, they are so successful that it doesn’t really matter ! :slight_smile: