I have an automated report that gets sent to a discourse category but I noticed discourse is stripping half of it either maybe because it’s HTML or thinking it’s a signature.
I don’t see any option to disable striping signature/text out of incoming emails.
And you are pasting the HTML and text right, you aren’t just copying the text from your email client and pasting it? As that would be entirely different.
So I did a little more digging, the email reports are emails from our CruiseControl.NET application which return a report of a “build” failure or success after a new build was created.
I noticed a couple things with the email,
The html body has a 2nd snippet that Discourse appears to stop reading the email after this point
I use "-- " since like forever. Had set up incoming email in Discourse, just did a test and was now wondering why my signature is not stripped. The above quote seems to explain why this quasi standard is ignored. (sorry, I didn’t find the source of the quote)