Discourse 1.3 released!

This topic is for comments on the original blog entry at: http://blog.discourse.org/2015/06/discourse-1-3-released/


Didn’t realise how many shinies there were in this release until now. Woopwoop!

–fixed, back to the point

Congrats, team! Flipping all my servers to stable branch now :smiley:

Nice one! :+1: :+1: :+1:


Moderators shouldn’t be able to see secure deleted posts

What is the difference between a “secure deleted” post and a deleted post?
i.e. what makes it a “secure” delete

Nevermind, I’ve learned it means what I would more verbosely call “deleted posts in discussions they don’t have access privilege to”

How did you flip your servers ?

if this isn’t meant to be a joke :smile:

this is quite easy:

cd /var/discourse/containers
nano app.yml

uncomment the last line and change from “tests-passed” to “stable”

exit the yaml file

cd .. 
./launcher rebuild app

things to note:

  • assumes docker install
  • assumes yaml file is called “app”
  • WILL bring you offline while rebuilding ~4-10mins

Great work! That’s even more features than I expected :smiley:


that was not a joke but a real newbie question :blush:
thank you

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Not yet being offered as an update for my ‘stable’ branch installation. Should it be?

UPDATE: Now 1.3.1 is being offered and update is running. Congrats to the team!

Never heard of discourse before but I think I may use it for a future project of mine. Anybody have any useful links for a newbie?

I’d generally start with http://www.discourse.org and the 30 minute cloud install!

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How about making the “New! 1.3” sticker link to the announcement post? It’s quite a shiny sticker, I’m sure a lot of people will try clicking on it to learn more about what’s new.


That is a bit Mystery Meat navigation, but it can’t hurt…

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Out of interest, is the 1.3.1 tag on github the latest stable release or prep for more betas in the 1.3.x line?

1.3.1 is the latest stable release as your dashboard prompted.

You can track latest release at stable branch. GitHub - discourse/discourse at stable

Thanks @fantasticfears - I was looking for a stable ‘tag’ , didn’t think to look for a branch. Must have been a monday thing!

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Discourse 1.4 Released!