Discourse Doc Categories

I think the confusion and difficulty might be that the Index Topic has to be in a certain format, and this is not completely clearly stated in the documentation (top post)

I had installed this plugin myself, carefully following the instructions, but it wasn’t working in exactly the same way @dennisjbr was experiencing.

It might help to have an example of the Markdown required rather than linking to the Meta example, because the only key rule is that there MUST be a Markdown bulleted/numbered list. The docs say ‘a list’ but the word ‘list’ has an ordinary English usage which includes non-Markdown lists!

This will work as an Index Topic:

* https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-doc-categories/322376
* Some Arbitrary Text: https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-doc-categories/322376

This will not work:

Some Arbitrary Text: https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-doc-categories/322376

Beyond this you can use Markdown headings to create sections and use multiple lists, but nothing will appear in the sidebar unless there’s a Markdown list. I appreciate this is a bit obvious and may not have tripped up anyone else, but it did catch me out (stupidly or not) and I’m not new to Discourse, TCs and Plugins.


I added a more explicit example of a formatted index topic to the original post here: https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-doc-categories/322376#p-1584993-formatting-index-topics-4

Have a look at that and let me know if you’re still not able to come right.


Looks good to me @hugh !


I have an AI persona for my documentation category. Has there been any thoughts on making an AI persona available for anons? I think at least, in a temporary, anonymous chat DM? Is this even possible?

When you visit a page that is very low in the index (requires scrolling to reach), the main page is also scrolled down to a position somewhere in the middle: for example on this doc item


Thanks for highlighting this! We’ll see what we can do to prevent that going forward.


Actually one should never consider something is “Obvious” when documenting anything. This kind of feedback is vital on any type of project to ensure clarity.

Anything written will typically make sense to the author due to their deep understanding of what they wrote. To others in the other hand it maybe less clear.

I myself dislike terms like “intuitive” as something is only intuitive if one has experiences using something similar.