Discourse Jira

:discourse: Summary Discourse Jira synchronizes projects, issue types, fields, issue statuses and manages the issues.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/discourse/discourse-jira
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse


  • Jira projects, issue types, fields and field options will be synced automatically.
  • Create a new Jira issue for a Discourse post with the dynamic issue creation form.
  • Attach an existing Jira issue to a Discourse post.
  • Sync the status of Jira issue using the webhooks.


Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 6.22.33 PM

Post Menu


Set the values for site settings below before enabling the plugin.

  • discourse_jira_url: Put the URL of your Jira instance. It should end with / symbol.
  • discourse_jira_username: The username of the user whose behalf of going to create issues.
  • discourse_jira_password: The API key that is assigned to the user who creates issues. A password might work but is unsafe and the API was deprecated by Atlassian.
  • discourse_jira_enabled: Enable the Jira plugin for Discourse.


Set a secret token to verify the incoming webhooks from Jira.

  • discourse_jira_webhook_token: This token must be passed in the ‘t’ query parameter of the webhook.

For example, given that the webhook token is supersecret, and your base Discourse URL is discourse.example.com, you would set up the webhook URL as https://discourse.example.com/jira/issues/webhook?t=supersecret in the webhook settings for your Jira instance.

For just checking that the webhook is triggered and the emitted body is correct, you may opt to use external websites like RequestBin or Webhook.site to setup temporary webhook URLs.


discourse_jira_verbose_log: Enable this setting to log the payloads of both the incoming webhooks and outgoing API requests.

:discourse2: Hosted by us? This plugin is available on our Enterprise plan.

Last edited by @dax 2024-06-05T15:44:10Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

@vinothkannans we’ve noticed that our users cannot actually see the status of these tickets, that only admins can see them. Can anything be done to make the “status” more visible to users?

One option could be of course making that quote block visible, or it would also be nice if you could map Jira statuses to tags, and that the topic tag updated to reflect the ticket progress (#backlog, #in-progress, #complete, etc.).

To piggy back off of Jordan, I have some additional ideas to improve this plugin.

  1. Ability to detach a JIRA ticket. I don’t see an option to detach or delete a JIRA ticket that I linked to a post.
  2. Choose which groups can see attached JIRA tickets. Right now it only looks like site admins can see them, but we would like the option to select one or more additional groups that can see them.
  3. Visibility levels. Ability to specify which part(s) of the ticket will appear to non-admins. For example, maybe we want all groups to see the ticket number and status, but not the title of the ticket, which may contain sensitive information. Then, we can specify trusted groups that can see the ticket title.

Your suggestions would really enhance the experience with this plugin.

We really need to have the content be able to be revealed to a specified group (that isn’t admins).

Is there a OpenProject version of this? Would be great to have since we use OpenProject for managing our tasks.

@sp-jordan-violet @colin.mckibben these are good suggestions to make the plugin more useful. I will keep this in mind when I work on it next time.

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Hi, I have a question about configuring the plugin. I have been getting 500 errors when creating/ attaching issue so I think my settings are not entirely right. What did i do wrong?

First, I copied and pasted where I normally accessed my Jira instance into discourse jira url, although I am not completely certain about the URL since dependent on the selected Jira view the URL is different.

First, I set a random discourse jira username, with the discourse jira password copied and pasted from a generated Atlassian API token.

Then I added a Jira Webhook and set the URL of the Jira webhook to the URL of my discourse instance plus /jira/issues/webhook?t=

Then I set the Webhook secret, and copy and paste that secret back to the plugin config field discourse jira webhook token.

Any thoughts? Help much appreciated! Thanks.

Can anyone share your working plugin settings in Discourse (without the password/ token of course) so I can see how you get it to work? Thanks!

I copied the webhook token back into the URL in the Jira webhook setup, so it says https://example.com/jira/issues/webhook?t=abcdefghijk, and also your discourse_jira_url is supposed to be https://modernsquared.atlassian.net/ without the path.

@vinothkannans I have another question though: Is it possible to change which issue is attached to a topic after attaching, or simply remove/delete the attachment? If not, have you thought about implementing it?

Thanks @mikael.gundhus , I was able to get the plugin to connect to Jira.

But I ran into some oddity. I am not sure if I am the only one running into this issue, but the button Create and Attach issues seems to be reversed? When I click on the Create Issue button the plugin takes me to the attach issue screen:

And when I click on the Attach issue button the plugin takes me to the create issue screen: MS-155 is an existing issue in Jira. If I type in a new issue, say, MS-200, which doesn’t exist in Jira, it tells me An error occurred: You are not permitted to view the requested resource.

@mikael.gundhus yes, there should be an option to remove the existing attachment. @ckshen seems like it have wrong headings on modal windows. We will work on these in next iteration.

Are there plans to make this accessible to users who aren’t admins/mods? We have internal teams that are looking to move their operations to Discourse, and as it stands, the only way for them to use the JIra tool is by giving them site-wide moderation privileges.