Discourse Saved Searches

:discourse2: Summary Discourse Saved Searches allows users to save searches and be notified when any new topics or posts match the search criteria.
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/discourse/discourse-saved-searches
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse


Following from the new watched words feature that takes action on bad words, here’s a plugin that lets people save a list of searches and get notified if any new topics and posts are created that match their searches.

After installing the plugin, enable it and choose the groups allowed to create saved searches.

There’s a new section in your preferences where you can define your list of searches.

Once a day, your searches will be performed. If there are new results that you haven’t already seen, you’ll get a private message with a list of links to the posts. If you want to get an email notification, be sure you’ve enabled “Send me an email when someone messages me” in your email settings.

One private message will be created for each of your search terms. Notification of new results will be posted as replies in the corresponding topic.

We’ve enabled it on meta for minimum trust level 2, so give it a try.

:bulb: Tip

The ‘saved searches’ in this plugin work exactly the same as a regular discourse search. So you can always try out a particular search by clicking :mag: in the top right of your forum, and pasting the search.

In general, searching for keywords will check in the topic title, and in the post/topic body.

Note that searches for multiple word phrases must be in double quotes “like this”.


Name Description
saved searches enabled Allow users to have saved searches
saved searches allowed groups Allow users in these groups to have saved searches
max saved searches Maximum number of saved searches

:discourse2: Hosted by us? This plugin is available on our Enterprise plan Saved Search | Discourse - Civilized Discussion


Nice Plugin, we can convert each Search action to Deal or New topic with conditon filter and description.

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Jesus! Just what I was looking for :smiley: I love you!