For a few years, I’ve been having my personal Discourse I use daily.
I’m not organized and I always forget things. There are many tools that can help for this, but having to learn a new software is a step that can be hard for some. Which is why I never used them in the end (but I tried… A little).
Since I already know Discourse, I figured I could use this for this matter.
Not meant to be public in any way, I just keep personal but non-sensitive things here tidy
Examples of things I put on it:
Movies and TV Shows to watch
Enhanced with a custom script that automatically bookmarks (with a reminder at the movie or show’s release date) these topics via the TMDB API
My own image uploads to share them on sites where local uploads aren’t allowed[1]
Enhanced with a custom script that outputs each post’s images as plain and BBcode links[2]
Linux and Windows console commands
Obscure software error I came across during my nerdy life and working solutions I found
Useful coding tips
Hardware manuals (from earbuds to IKEA bed)
Useful, often open-source software for many purposes - but only stuff I need and use
I used to use Discourse for this up until the beginning of this year. But then I found its just as easy and at no cost unlike Discourse to just use my pc. I have folder/subfolders for different things. e.g a txt for lists and another txt for movies etc. I liked using Discourse for this but it just seemed overkill when there’s a free way to do it.
I don’t know if this could be considered non-community or not but ever since I put up a discourse forum for my website, since I have access to staff and moderator stuff and I can create private categories and groups, I totally use it for personal to-do lists, keeping notes about on-going projects and development (both web related and not) posting files, links and pictures for later use ect…
It is accessible from anywhere, on my phone, at work or at home. I can perform administrative task from my phone. I love it!
I have used onenote for this type of record keeping recipes, crafts, health research, home improvement research you name it.
I ran into an issue when I wanted to exit the windows world for Mac and learned that microsoft is not kind to Mac users.
my current plan is to run something like parallels since my Mac does not that the compatible chip and run office there just for my decades of one note note books.
I will consider this though as it is a very similar conceptually. - i.e., hyperlinking style.
Before using Discourse, I used a personal Discord server. I forgot to mention it. But Discourse is far better when it comes to organize all this information (also, it belongs to me).
I already had a server where I host several websites. I just added Discourse along with other web apps. Even if I didn’t have other apps to host, I would still rent a server for my personal Discourse. It’s very valuable for me.