Does anyone get notified when something is flagged?

I don’t think so, since I just got a “please handle these old flags” email about a week ago from a live, up to date Discourse instance.


Is there some “intelligence” in Discourse regarding the decision to send the mail? Just made a test flag myself and now waiting.

  • Does it ignore flags made by myself?
  • Does it skip sending if Admins or Mods are actually online, but just do not handle the flag?
  • Anything else I should be aware of when trying not to reproduce this.

Pretty sure admins have to be offline to get the mail. Not all of them, but the ones that are offline will get notified. Perhaps @neil can clarify the actual logic here?

Yeah, would love to hear the logic. I tried a test flag and slept over night and no notification was sent out (checked from mail server logs too). My notification threshold is 2 hours.

I found a bug: :ant:

The notification threshold setting was being ignored. 48 hours was the hard-coded threshold in the query. I fixed!

The email goes to the address in the “contact email” setting, so be sure that’s set. Otherwise, the logic is straight-forward: if there are flags after X hours, send the email. It doesn’t care if admin/mods have been offline or not.


Aha, I knew it! @codinghorror is made of teflon - bugs wont stick. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: