I recently had a member upset that his new post (initiated via email) cut off his attachment and email signature. Attaching a screenshot below.
The overwhelming majority of our members only utilize our listserv by viewing and replying via the email notifications.
I’m guessing that this is a setting that is limiting the email notification characters or words. Where can I change this to remove any minimum character restrictions and have the attachments appear in the email notifications that go out?
I completely agree with stripping the signatures but my group (older generation non-profit association of lawyers) is really upset that our new listserv with Discourse has eliminated the old function of having the poster’s personal email address show up in the “reply: to” field in the email notifications.
So now when they are receiving notifications of thread responses, they don’t have the functionality of replying to the individual privately.
… so now it’s imperative that their email signatures show up so they have access to the poster’s private email.
I’m assuming that we will never be able to change that functionality, correct?
I’ll check out that guide you sent right now and follow up if needed. Thank you!