Remove extraneous content from incoming emails

:bookmark: This guide explains how to remove extraneous content, such as signatures, from incoming emails in Discourse.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Administrator

Discourse has a built-in system for handling incoming emails, which includes automatic trimming of signatures and other extra content. This guide will explain how to control this feature and view the original email content.

Controlling email content trimming

By default, Discourse automatically trims signatures and other โ€œextraโ€ content from incoming emails. This detection system converts emails to markdown content that Discourse uses for posts. However, some site administrators may prefer to keep this type of content for various reasons.

To enable or disable this feature:

  1. Go to your siteโ€™s admin panel
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Find the trim incoming emails site setting
  4. Toggle the setting on or off as desired

If you disable this setting, Discourse will no longer automatically trim email signatures or filter out additional email content beyond the main body of incoming emails.

Viewing original email content

Administrators can view the original, untrimmed content of an email by following these steps:

  1. Find the post created from an email
  2. Look for the :email: icon in the upper right corner of the post
  3. Click on the :email: icon

After clicking the :email: icon, youโ€™ll see three tabs displaying different versions of the incoming email:

  1. Raw: Shows the raw email content
    Raw email content

  2. Text: Displays the plain text version of the email
    Text email content

  3. HTML: Shows the HTML version of the email
    HTML email content

These views allow administrators to see the full original email, including any content that may have been trimmed in the final post.

When to use this feature

You might want to disable email trimming if:

  • Your users frequently send important information in their email signatures
  • You need to preserve the full email content for legal or documentation purposes
  • Your community relies on information typically included in email footers

However, keep in mind that leaving this feature enabled can help keep posts cleaner and more focused on the main content of the emails.

Last edited by @hugh 2024-07-30T03:26:33Z

Last checked by @hugh 2024-07-30T03:26:37Z

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