Emoji overlay in chat fails and causes page jumps

Odd behavior showing up in the desktop breakpoint when I attempt to use emojis in chat messages.

This specific behavior is occurring in Firefox on desktop. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Load the Discourse page.
  2. Open a chat.
  3. Hover over a message which causes the modal to appear with the option to select an emoji.
  4. Click the emoji button.

Results: The emoji modal opens and then closes and the page jumps down the thread list.
Note: in Chrome on desktop, the modal layer doesn’t disappear so an emoji can be added to the chat message but the page jump still occurs.

Here’s a video I made showing the behavior:

The behavior does not occur in the mobile breakpoint as best I can tell.

Edit: Additional notes from testing: the emoji modal closes only on the home route. If you’re viewing a thread, the page jump still occurs but the modal remains and an emoji can be attached to a chat message.

Yes this is a recent regression, I haven’t been looking at this yet, but we will look at it.


Not prioritizing it for now as it will be fixed as part of another bigger work.

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This should have been fixed by DEV: unifies emoji picker (#28277) · discourse/discourse@6740a34 · GitHub


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