FKB Pro - Social theme

hello @Don, the desktop layout is broken with the last update. Could you please check this at your available time.

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Hello, Thanks for the report! I’ve merged a fix :slightly_smiling_face:


@Don thank you for the quick fix

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Heey man :smiley:

I’ve got an issue when updating to latest,

Am still on 3.0.0-beta16 this is probably the reason

But if not, good too know :blush:

Hello :wave: I can’t repro it on the latest version Discourse.

But I can check this on your site if I can register. :slightly_smiling_face: Oh I see it’s required an invite code. If you can send me one in PM or create an account then I can check this.

Seems to work on the default theme.

KenBen settings is at default. Haven’t done anything with it yet.

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It works on my test site with latest. Yesterday I updated the templates to fit to the core changes so probably you have to update Discourse to the latest. :slightly_smiling_face:
Oh, yes I updated the navigation-bar template too which I think cause this.


hi @Don after the latest updates adsense auto ads not working. Default theme also works when I try. Can you take a look at it in your free time?

Hello, I just checked your site and the ads works fine for me. :slightly_smiling_face:

Fixed ads no longer appear in mobile view. It used to work. There is no problem with desktop view.

Works for me on mobile too. :thinking: Could you clarify which ads you mean? Some screenshot would be helpful. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you guide me how to get the data in topic-list card the same way you are doing? - User name - Full male - Creative time - Peréonal action & Slide image ^^

Sorry for replying so many times. currently I am using the theme-component “Alternative Voting Category Style” but when selecting your theme it doesn’t work as expected, hope you can help me with this. and it would be great if you could help activate this theme-component on mobile


For this you need to override the template. Here is a guide how you can do it: Beginner's guide to developing Discourse Themes

The FKB Pro theme templates you can find here: fkb-pro-theme/javascripts/discourse/templates at main · VaperinaDEV/fkb-pro-theme · GitHub

I have merged an update for adding compatibility with Alternative Voting Category Style theme component. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah I know, I misspelled the component name :confused:

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awesome i just updated the theme and saw your customizations, however the mobile version doesn’t currently support the alternative Voting Category Style component theme, if possible i really hope to add this customization.

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Yeah, the Alternative Voting Category Style is only for desktop. To change it you need to fork the theme component and modify some files.

This modification seems too much for my current ability, hope you can give me some suggestions? or I will try to contact the author and ask for their support, although I have replied to the post but still have not received a reply ^^

Hey @hoangphuctran93,
I forked the theme component and modify to work with FKB Pro theme and on mobile too. I reverted the previous theme update.

Here is the theme component :arrow_down_small:

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Awesome, i’m super excited to test this upgraded version of yours ^^ once again thank you very much. Please visit my website I will have a detailed tutorial in the next few days to share with the community, everything I have learned and supported to implement the project.

I installed it and it’s amazing it worked, I’d like to take a closer look at the code you made

and especially Don’s customization can run on all other themes ^^

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Any way to hide the image preview / make it smaller? I love this theme but the image seems to make each topic really tall on my site.