"Hide my public profile" is in the wrong place

When answering a support question, I was looking for the option “hide my public profile”. I finally found it in my “interface” preferences.

However, the “interface” tab is about how I see the forum, not about how other users see me or my profile.

A more logical place for that would be the “Security” tab or the “Profile” tab, or maybe “Users” since that also has things like ‘Allow other users to send me personal messages and chat direct messages’.


You make a good point; that setting does feel like it’d be better placed on the Profile tab. I’ll ask our team to move it. Thanks for bringing this up!


If someone’s taking a look at user settings, I mentioned elsewhere a couple of other things that might make sense to adjust…

…include the profile picture under Profile. (Maybe even Name , Title , and Flair ?)

To my mind, the Account section should contain items less commonly accessed – maybe only things not publicly visible.


Agree @ToddZ

  • Profile picture, title, flair from account to profile
  • Associated accounts from account to security
  • “I agree with the updated terms” (maybe all custom fields?) from profile to account
  • Timezone from profile to interface
  • Navigation menu could easily go under interface
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Just saw that this was moved to the profile tab! Thanks :+1: