How do I clear user warnings?

I have a user who was warned on an issue but it was resolved. I would like to learn the warning, since it has been successful resolved. How would I do that?

I donā€™t think thereā€™s a way to clear/remove a warning.

The intention is to keep them as a paper trail in case there are further issues in the futureā€¦


While I can understand that, I would prefer it if I could keep the paper trail, including when I cleared the warning, but not have it show up for every mod when they look at that persons profile. Or at least have a log or something that says how long ago that was warned. I think it is reasonable to say that a person who had a warning 18 months ago, likely should have a different response for a second issue after 18 months vs after 2 days.

Just my opinion, but that sounds like it would have to be a feature request then.

Iā€™d personally question why youā€™d have moderators that you canā€™t trust to be privy to all moderation, but perhaps Iā€™m not understanding your situation.


That isnā€™t the case at all. However, I do not see where the system shows a log of when the user when warned or why. Perhaps Iā€™m missing that? I donā€™t mean to come off as if I donā€™t like how Discourse works, and perhaps Iā€™m a weird-o, which is highly possible, just trying to get some information is all.

I appreciate all the help.


I think we might be talking at cross purposes.

The title of your topic says how do I ā€˜clearā€™ warnings so weā€™ve been responding to that ā€“ there is no way to clear a warning.

Are you actually asking about how you can find the details of a warning?

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I apologize for being unclear. I actually would like to clear the warning but since that isnā€™t possible. I would like to know how I can view the history of where the warning was given and more particularly when.

I have not had time to really dig into a lot of the moderation features of Discourse yet, which I would like to, but work and school keep me very busy. Normally I would play around with it until I found it on my own but this seemed like it might be more expedient. Sorry if I was confusing, and if etiquette here would lead to me doing a whole new post, I would be happy to do so.

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A moderator does not always need to issue an official warning. I myself quite often send ā€œfriendly messagesā€ at another forum Iā€™m a moderator for. I consider them to be a kind of ā€œfree passā€ for a first offense.

Well, to go into more detail. I have a user, which has a warning. I donā€™t know why, Iā€™ve asked my Moderators but none of them remember doing it. Now I have gone through a few Moderators in the early days of setting things up, so it is possible one of them did it.

I know the person personally and I canā€™t imagine why they were issued a warning, but I canā€™t find it anywhere when it was issued. This is what lead to the small issue of wanting to clear it. Since that isnā€™t possible, I have become curious as to why it was done and when and by whom. I know this is a bit specific and a lot of information that isnā€™t needed, but that is this minor situation in a nutshell.

Unfortunately, Warnings arenā€™t logged. But it should be possible do dig up some information using the Data Explorer plugin.


I thought warnings appeared on top of a userā€™s public profileā€¦let me look.

Nopeā€¦just the count, no link to them.

If you have the staff notes plugin installed warnings are automatically added as a note to the user, but that only helps if you had the plugin installed before issuing the warnings.

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This should help in tracking it down. It requires needing to know the memberā€™s id

-- [params]
-- int :member_id = 1

SELECT user_warnings.topic_id 
  , user_warnings.user_id 
  , user_warnings.created_by_id 
  , user_warnings.created_at 
  , user_warnings.updated_at 
  , users.username AS moderator 
FROM user_warnings 
JOIN users ON user_warnings.created_by_id = 
WHERE user_warnings.user_id = :member_id 



What is that, where would I put those commands in?

Thatā€™s capable to do in the Data Explorer plugin page.

You could run the query in the database console by replacing ā€œ:member_idā€ with the memberā€™s id number and omitting the ā€œparamsā€ part. (it wouldnā€™t look as nice or give you links to click, but it would work)

SELECT user_warnings.topic_id 
  , user_warnings.user_id 
  , user_warnings.created_by_id 
  , user_warnings.created_at 
  , user_warnings.updated_at 
  , users.username AS moderator 
FROM user_warnings 
JOIN users ON user_warnings.created_by_id = 
WHERE user_warnings.user_id = :member_id 

Thanks for the tip. Is it safe to delete these warnings from Data Explorer? I have a warning given to me by myself while testing and it kind of needs to be taken care of :slight_smile:

The Data Explore plugin does SELECTs only. It is a very safe way to interact with the database and can not break your database.

An improperly crafted DELETE query could result in bugs or worse, an unusable database. (AFAIK, Discourse does not have any ā€œon delete cascadeā€ code in the Core)

If this is only because you donā€™t like having an ā€œembarrassing stainā€ associated with your account, IMHO it would be better to leave the database alone and make it publically known to those that need to know that the warning has no importance.

If the warning is interfering with your Admin abilities in some way, that is much more of a concern and it should be addressed. Is the warning causing problems for you?

It has no effect on any admin abilities nor cause any misunderstandings, only cosmetic concerns :slight_smile: Thank you for the reply, I guess I could stick with it.

It may not be as visible as you think it is.

Admins can see the red warning icon on a memberā€™s profile page and the red envelope icon next to the warning message

Moderators can see the red warning icon, but not the warning message

The member does not see the red warning icon but can see the red envelope warning message

Other members can not see the warning nor the message icons.

So the only ones that might wonder about the warning are the moderators.


On that note, it might be a good idea to add the @staff group to warning messages when you tick the ā€œThis is an official warningā€ checkbox. (Allow it to be removed before sending, but that should be the default.)