How do I manually add an email address to the block list?

When deleting a user we have the option to also block the email address from signing up / creating an account again in the future:

The list of email addresses which are blocked can be found at

Where / how do I manually add an email address to this list? :thinking:

I don’t think this is possible still using the UI.

There’s this tip for doing it through the rails console, though I haven’t tested it to check it’s up-to-date. Always worth taking a backup first as well when adjusting things in the rails console.


Confirmed working on latest:

[1] pry(main)> **ScreenedEmail**.create(email: **"****"**)
=> #<ScreenedEmail:0x00007f74b3200c90
id: **93**,
email: **"****"** ,
action_type: **1**,
match_count: **0**,
last_match_at: **nil**,
created_at: **Tue**, **07** **May** **2024** **17**:**01**:**10.150557112** **UTC** **+00**:**00**,
updated_at: **Tue**, **07** **May** **2024** **17**:**01**:**10.150557112** **UTC** **+00**:**00**,
ip_address: **nil**>
[2] pry(main)>

And in the UI:

Thanks @JammyDodger :smiley:

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