How to disable SMTP during installation?

Is it possible to set up a forum without using SMTP and also disable the account recovery system?

So that a person can simply register without email confirmation.

Hostname for your Discourse? []: 
Email address for admin account(s)? [,]: 
SMTP server address? []: 
SMTP port? [587]: 
SMTP user name? []: 
SMTP password? [pa$word]: 
Let's Encrypt account email? (ENTER to skip) []: 
Optional Maxmind License key () [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]:

I am also interested in how to remove the email address field from the registration window so that it is not required at all. It is a useless, outdated technology that should have been eliminated from the internet a long time ago.

There is a way to disable requiring e-mail verification for new user accounts:

Disable Email Verification for Discourse Plugin - plugin - Discourse Meta

However, donā€™t believe there is a way to set up a new discourse site without a valid e-mail for administrator account.


For admin email just use a free email smtp services.

There are topics on setting up SSO sites.

Email signups are still very common & strong out there.

Here is one article

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Have you found if there is any way to disable smtp for a new installation? Seemed like that is necessary to work at least for sending an administrator activation e-mail to start new site, but maybe that can be bypassed somehow.

E-mails can be annoying and frustrating, but donā€™t know if they are going to be eliminated from the internet anytime soon. Seems intrinsic for a lot of systems need e-mail to work.

Had better luck with brevo for free smtp sending than mailgun can be more challenging/confusing.

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Actually, I cannot set up Discourse without SMTP right now, and the sites that offer free SMTP services do not work in Russia, so everything is very unfortunate, unfortunately.

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Hopefully there are some low-cost smtp senders that work in Russia, there shouldnā€™t be too much cost for low-volume e-mail sending.