How to enable Sign-up for my community


I am facing this issue that whenever i send the link to my discourse community to someone, they are unable to signup (if they are not an existing member).

My settings in admin console:

What my member sees to access my community:

Wanted to know if there is some other setting i need to enable to allow new users to register?

Hi once again,

Seems to me that you might enabled some restriction in the privacy settings for non-registered users? Try to check that one.

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If you’re hosted by Discourse and on the Basic plan then those sites are private and invite-only. You would need to upgrade to the Standard plan or higher to make your site public and allow open registration.

If you’re not on the Basic plan, then you can control this behaviour using the login required and invite only admin settings.

It looks like you asked a similar question previously Login functionality


But the pricing plan on the website shows all Auth methods available even for a Basic Plan…

They’re the methods people can use to sign in, but you would need to invite them for them to be able to signup:

Basic plan description

Ok, so invited a friend… she could signup for the first time.

Then she logged out and tried to sign in again… she could see the below options to sign in:

Now when she is trying to login using social methods like google, she is getting the below error:

Could this be because i am still on Basic plan? or this is some other technical error?

I’m not sure. :thinking: You did have another topic where you were having issues setting up google auth - Unable to login using GoogleAuth Have you managed to smooth that out, or could this be connected?

Hi @swati_vishnoi
Do you mind trying to login via Google? Once you get the error page, do click on see error details and send us a PM to the team group here on meta or and email to with the details.

Additionally, do make sure you’ve followed Configure Google login for Discourse guide to setup Google Login.


Messaged on Team Group.

The error screen:

Just to round this out, after some discussion via PM, it turns out that verifying the Google login needs either a TXT record or a <meta tag, and unfortunately neither of these methods are available on the Basic plan.

We’ve now updated our pricing page to reflect that Google Authentication is available from the Standard plan or higher.

Sorry for the miscommunication here. :pray:

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Hey looks like I saved you from future escalations by pointing out this…
How about sponsoring my next month subscription as a bug bounty? :wink: :laughing: :hugs:

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