How to I stop topics automatically un-pinning when a user reaches the bottom?


It is my belief that thread pinning is at the user level. Once you’ve seen a pinned thread it unpins at the user level? In reading it looks like I can force pin a topic so it’s always on top.

How the hell do I do that?

Thanks friends,

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Hello there @P2W!

You can ensure pinned topics stay at the top of a page by changing these settings as an admin:

However, on a user level thry can go to preferences -> Interface and change this setting

Hope this helps :blush:


This setting is confusing. It’s not clear that one of these settings is to let the user have the choice in terms of the behavior (“by default”), while the other setting removes the option from the user. It’s a pretty subtle difference.

Maybe I’m a dunderhead, but I wasted some time before I realized what was going on.

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Oh no, sorry to hear that! I agree that it can be confusing. Do you have a recommended setting description that would make that distinction clearer?


So in some sections it appears to be working while in others pinned topics are plummeting down the section. I have both check boxes unchecked.

Valorant - P2W.GG for example.

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Have you unchecked it on your profile ?

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It’s actually pinning in the subcategory. Is there a way to make a post from a subcategory pin to it’s main category?

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Another question can I disable the ability to unpin at the user level? I plan to monetize that feature and user disabling defeats that purpose

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This is not possible yet.

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Perhaps you can hide the option from the user preferences with some clever CSS?


What exactly do those two “reset” buttons do?

I could imagine different things, but couldn’t find the logic in the code (sorry, my Ruby reading skills are rudimentary at best):

  1. Reset this setting for each user. But then the lower one wouldn’t make much sense, as this setting seems to be only related to the default for new users?

  2. Reset the “pinned” status of all topics for all users. But then the lower one wouldn’t make much sense, as this setting seems to be only related to the default for new users?

Hello and welcome @olm :slight_smile:

The ‘reset’ option is to reset the admin setting back to its original default setting. Sometimes this will involve resetting users’ preferences - for example, resetting/changing the second option default topics automatic unpin will ask if you want to apply the change historically as well as from the point of change:


Thanks a lot for the super fast answer!

Is there some kind of “discourse manual” where I could look up the meaning of such options? At least in Docs - Discourse Meta I didn’t see a description.

And… is there by any chance also an option for the admin to reset all users’ “pinned” settings on all pinned topics?

Ideally, the description for each admin setting should provide enough information right there on the page itself (and we’re always open to suggestions about how we can make those clearer if needed :+1:). But is the de facto Discourse user manual. :slight_smile: If you can’t find anything in Search then feel free to create a new topic and ask what you need in there.

I don’t believe there is an easy way without using the rails console. You can individually Unpin and then Pin each topic again using the topic wrench, however, a user can unpin and repin a topic as and when they like, so even if you reset them all they can still be overridden. If you have some info that you want to always be visible you could try using the Versatile Banner theme component?

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Thank you very much, @JammyDodger! Much appreciated.

Thanks, this sounds like by far the easiest way to go, especially when only few pinned topics exist (and I believe having all show and keep on top by default makes most sense with very few pinnend topics ).