How to make a slide post?

Suppose I have 3 images posted by 3 links, and 3 captions for these 3 images.
How to make a slide post like in the 4th image (in this topic)






It’s not possible to achieve this on the Topic List because only one image is serialized per Topic.

However, on a single Topic you could look at: Slick Image Gallery

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Thank you for your support.
As you say is not feasible.
So if I just want to create a slide for the content (no images),
then how can i create slide for conent in post.

You can embed a Google presentation as a slideshow in an iframe:

You need to permit this source for iframes in allowed iframes

Once you’ve made your presentation, go to File -> Publish to Web and copy the link at the end of the short wizard.


Same thing also works with PowerPoint Sign in to your Microsoft account

Use Office 365 online, access Powerpoint and once ready go to File -> Share -> Embed to get the iframe link

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I’m worried, this will affect SEO,
because the content is not in the discourse editor.
Instead, the content is in Powerpoint (google , or Microsoft)

I think it’s a lot to expect Discourse to be a fully featured presentation tool :slight_smile:

Perhaps you can include Markdown versions of the slides in the following posts.


I hope, there is a way to create a slide for the content in the post (discourse).